Monday, September 8, 2014

Life goes on

I was nearly overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support that I received after Dick's unexpected passing August 2nd. I heard the phrases "words cannot express" "words fail" and "words are so inadequate" but I have made a decision to turn again to words to help me focus. I considered retitling my blog Lynn @ Large but can't do that yet.The time will come.

The words that have helped me the most this past two months, because two months ago was when Dick went into the hospital, have been the words of God. God has held me in his arms and scripture has truly become alive to me. It always comforts me and is the only thing that comes close to being adequate to meet my needs.

Just to write "I have made a decision" is huge for me right now. I know not to make any big decisions right now - wait a month, wait six months, wait a year, wait two years. I've heard it. No problem. Not making a decision is easy because it doesn't require anything of me. It's the little things like what's for dinner that are hard.  So deciding to write and then actually doing it ... I'm giving myself a pat on the back. Starting may give me the impetus to continue.


  1. Yay! Good for you Lynn :)
    Blessings to you lovely lady.

  2. I'm glad you decided. I miss your voice. And watching you follow God's grace through this season of your life somehow helps me trust the Lord. It helps me know, just a little more, that He will never leave me.

  3. I love you friend and am glad to see you on here.

  4. You are such an amazing woman. A inspiration to all. Always the teacher.

  5. Keep sharing with us how the Lord continues to be faithful to you in even the like things. what's for dinner. love you.

  6. I'm glad you're back to writing too, I can feel Gods grace through your words.

  7. You are loved Lynn! You are one inspiring lady! May the Lord's peace and blessing always rest upon your shoulders! Love you!

  8. Not only are you a blessing to read, but, just think, you never have to endure bad gramar!!! Win-Win!

  9. aaahh, except in the comment section:)
