Monday, November 11, 2013

Change is good and it's good for me!

 ... to paraphrase one of our favorite pastors. We've made so many changes in the past few months that Change has become the new normal!

In addition to big changes like selling our home, ridding ourselves of the accumulation of almost 44 years of marital bliss, and moving into our 5th wheel trailer, we've been living with little changes like a new computer and a new home page, two new televisions and how to program them for where we are currently, two new phones, address corrections, changes, & considerations like mailing address (Lisa's in Vancouver), Oregon address so we don't have to reregister the truck (brother John's in Maupin) as well as where did we put the _________ (fill in the blank). We need a vacation!

We've been staying at Gold Ranch RV Park in Verdi, Nevada on the Nevada/California border for about a week, visiting our son Michael. We took yet one more donation trip to the Goodwill yesterday and are finally feeling like we have given away about everything we need to, but now we have to replace that we shouldn't have gotten rid of, like the cheese grater and the microwave bowls.

We've planned our itinerary, for the third and possibly final time.

We'll leave Reno on Wednesday because we have to wait for a birthday present from Joyce Taylor to be delivered to Michael's on Tuesday and head for
   Whiskey Flats RV Park in Hawthorne NV

   Bailey Hot Springs RV Park in Beatty NV (check out the Mudder pictures and the buffalo)
   Blake Ranch east of Kingman AZ
   Ramblin' Roads RV Park in Hope AZ

We hope to stay in Hope for a couple of months. We'll keep you posted. The park in Hope adjoins BLM land with lots of places to ride quads so Dick really has his hopes up!

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